Diamond Mu

Server Medium X500 Info

Basic server info:

Version: Season 14

Experience Regular / Master: 500x / 500x

Max Level Regular / Master: 400 / 650

Web Market: Buy, Sell, Trade Items

In Game: Antihack, Offstore, Offlevel

Low Performance Mode: Button F9

Max Connections per 1 Computer: 3

Non PvP Maps: Aida 1 - 2, Karutan 1 - 2

Exp Increased in all levels of BC, DS: +10%

Chance for Ancient item drop in BC (3-7)

Chance for Condor Flame drop in DS (3-7)

Minimap (TAB) to see Spot Locations

Monsters and Boss Power Adjusted

PvP / PvM all classes Balanced

Elf Soldier Max Level / Resets: 400 / 10

🔥 Unique Reset System: Resets and Experience Table

🔥 Unique Quest System: Quest System (Exclusive)

🔥 Unique Jewel Bank: Store jewels safely


Extra server info:

Information about xShop (CashShop)

Information about available Commands List

Information about New Custom Jewels

Information about New Excellent Options

Information about Goblin Points (How to get)

Information about Schedule of Events, Invasions, Bosses

Information about Rewards and Drop List

Information about Chaos Machine Rates

Posted 17 / 04 / 2024 By Admin

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